Saturday, July 19, 2008

Hangin' out

So last night, or I guess early this morning, after I ate I had apparently confused mom into thinking that I was asleep so she put me in my bed. So I decided to let her go as far as getting back in her bed and getting comfortable in her bed before I let her know that I was NOT asleep. I was ready to look around and talk (or as some say "coo"). So we did this for about an hour after I ate even though mom kept telling me that it was night time and not play time. So this morning we were hanging out again, but I was struggling some because I was so sleepy after our 3am play time. So mom lays me in the corner of the couch so she can butter her toast and this is how she found me...aren't I sweet???

1 comment:

sara said...

awww, luke! i'm loving your blog! hopefully one of these days i'll be able to meet you!