Tuesday, December 22, 2009

I've been busy lately...

T-minus 2 days until "Moving Day" at my house! (Yes, my parents are crazy but what can I say!) Don't worry I've been helping mom out with the packing...here is how I check to make sure the boxes are sturdy enough
And don't forget to vacuum this spot mom!

Saturday, December 19, 2009


Yesterday evening I stayed at Mimi and Papaw's while mom and dad worked on the new house. I had an accident and mom forgot to pack extra clothes for me so Baleigh lent me some of hers! Don't tell dad I have girl clothes on!!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


More Christmas Picture Attempts!

Four generations of Bailey boys!
Baby Reese
Mimi and Papaw's Christmas pictures made for a time trying to get Baleigh (4), Reese (6 months), and I (17 months) to all look at the camera and smile at the same time!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Aunt Mary came over this weekend

and mom told her it was her turn to try and get a good pic!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

I also got a new coat from Mimi

which has been nice since it hasn't gotten above like 25 the last couple of days and doesn't look like it will for awhile!

What was that?

Oh, you want me to show you some of my expressions....ok, check these out!

Mimi got me a pair of monkey gloves

and I love to wear them around the house when I play with my toys. I also look down at them often and say "Ahh! Ahh! Ahh!"

I got a new hat and gloves

and it is so fun to clap with them on!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Enjoying a lunch

of black beans, cucumbers, and sliced turkey (and maybe a baked cheeto or two)!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Mom's trying to get a "card" picture. Can you tell?

Guess who isn't participating like she would prefer??!!

Guess Who I Met Today?

This was my reaction from the other side of the room...
On his lap...
Wait! Who are you??
Reese wasn't so sure about him...and neither was Baleigh!I did take this really cool looking thing from him though...mom said it was a candy caneSure doesn't taste like candy to me! (I actually cried after I tried it and then may have thrown myself on the floor throwing a fit...just maybe though!)