Saturday, September 5, 2009

Elk City Rodeo Parade

I was a pretty good boy until I ran out of Mum-Mums! Then I remembered it was just hot! Can you tell my face is beat red??!! I did get to try my first sucker today and wasn't that impressed. It may have been the fact that it was like a pineapple or lemon-lime, you know, the clear suckers!
Jason, Aunt Mary, Melissa and Kristie
Brayden and Brannan
Brayden giving his candy to Brannan
Get more candy, Brayden!
Back row: Mom, Melissa, Kristie Front row: me, Baleigh, Kade
Baleigh was asking mom to hold her candy bag while she went and got some more!
This is where I spent about half of the my stroller with snacks and in the shade!
Kade and his Pops, Kollin and his mom Kristin

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