Tuesday, January 20, 2009

One cube, or two?

Mom and Aunt Mary worked hard on Saturday morning to restock the freezer. I now have carrots, green beans (current favorite), butternut squash, blueberries, pears and peaches (the other current favorite!).
I love eating real food!
I can get to these peaches if I can just bite this corner off!


The Swifts said...

don't you love cubes of food!!
yeah, cry-it-out DOES NOT WORK! i let her cry one night for 1 1/2 hours and the next for 1 hr and 15 min. my brain couldn't take it anymore. maybe you should call me when we're awake at night so we have something to do besides listen to babys scream!

The Swifts said...

don't feel left out - we woke up every 2 hours and wide awake from 4 - 630, and ready for the day by 815...and she's been sleeping on her belly since 3 months (without a detector!) i might have dhs called on me for this comment!