my first (of I am sure many) virus. It has been a rough week. I think I may be on the down hill slide, but not positive. Mom sure hopes that I am. We haven't slept very well this past week at night, and especially not so during the day. Just as I am getting into that deep sleep, the virus will rear its ugly head, I will have to then take care of some business which wakes me up, then I must wake mom. The fever has also made me quite cranking. Went to the doctor on Friday and she told me to try some Pedialyte and rice cereal just until the virus is gone. Well, as you can see from the pictures, the pedialyte isn't bad (I wasn't thrilled about mom giving me a bottle so at first, when dad wasn't home she had to give it to me while I sat in my fish chair. Now I take it like a champ!). I will even drink it straight from the fridge all nice and cold. Mom decided that we should try the orange first, dad wanted purple but mom said he wasn't the one who had to get purple out of my clothes whatever that means. The rice, let's just say didn't go over very well. Mom tried to mix it with lots of things and feed it to me different ways....I got one thing to say, "It's nasty and I won't have it!" So thankfully she just gave up after I screamed and screamed at her for trying to make me eat it!

Rice cereal is NASTY!!!

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