Monday, October 18, 2010

Happy Halloween

A new friend

Mom's first college roommate just moved back to the area and she stopped by today for a visit. While they talked, I got to play and entertain her little girl, Olivia!
 I even let her play with my tractors. Aren't I just a good boy!!??

Homecoming Parade

This is me waving "hi" to the people going by that were in the parade. This is the only decent shot mom got, got to give her a little credit though as the whole parade lasted 10 minutes! We went with Kate, Grant, and Audrey

Dad's Boots!


Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Grandma and Poppy's House

When you go to Poppy and Grandma's house, you get to eat chocolate cupcakes with green icing. Sometimes you can even share a bite with mom!

 You also get to run around and act like a monkey!


NC State Fair

Riding the carousel for the second time that day!
 Feeding the animals some carrots

 Say "Cheese"
 Riding a pony

 Driving Poppy around
 Driving some BIG tractors
 "Shut the door, Poppy."

My first state fair experience was awesome! Thanks Poppy and Grandma!

5 days in NC

(Sorry, pictures are not in any kind of order!)
Wrestling with Poppy!
 First time I got my own seat and was old enough to realize I was on an airplane!
 Watching either Tractor movie or Mickey Mouse...either one works!
 Playing Wii with Sweet Kiss (Uncle JP) and Poppy
 Batter Up!
We went to the NC Zoo! Here I am looking at the elephants
 Look how close this elephant got!

 Watching a turtle
"Here kitty, kitty. Come here so I can hold you."

"Come here monkey"
By the end of the day and after much fun had been had....this is what happens to us all!

Carn-i-bal was in town last week

and I got to go! I had a blast. Mom, dad, and I met up with Baleigh, Reese, Devryn, Mimi, Papaw, Brittney, Leslie and Jason.
That's mom behind the lit up triangle going down the big slide with me! I wanted to keep doing it again and again!
 Riding the chicken
 This is right when we met up with the group! I just love Baleigh
 Me, Dad, and Baleigh
 Reese, Leslie, Devryn, and Brittney

 Brittney took Baleigh, Devryn and I for a ride on the purple dinosaur!

 This was probably my favorite thing of all, the Gator Roller Coaster!!

 See how happy I was!

 Dad and I went on the Ferris Wheel
 Poor Reese only got to ride the carousel